Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

About wiki sidebars

Members who are permitted to add and edit wiki pages can add a sidebar that will appear, with a gray background, on the right side of every page in the wiki. The sidebar can contain content that you want to be consistent or prominent on every wiki page. For example, the sidebar could serve as an index to the wiki by containing links to pages.

Note: On mobile devices, you will probably need to view wiki pages in landscape orientation to see sidebars in their intended location. 

Adding a sidebar

  1. Go to the bottom of any wiki page, click or tap the gray ellipsis (...) button at the top, and select Add Sidebar from the menu.
  2. On the new sidebar page, enter and format the content that will appear in the sidebar.
    Note: Do not change the default name of the page (_Sidebar) or else the page will be just a regular wiki page.
  3. (Optional) To send a system-generated email notification about the sidebar page to group members, select the Notify Members checkbox. The email notification will contain a link to the page and will have the #wiki-notice system hashtag.
  4. (Optional) To restrict sidebar editing to group moderators only, select the Only moderators can edit this page checkbox.
  5. Click or tap the Save Page button at the bottom of the page. The sidebar is added and appears on all pages in the wiki.

Note: After a sidebar is added to the wiki, the Add Sidebar menu item is still shown, but clicking or tapping it has no effect.

Editing a sidebar

Members who are permitted to edit wiki pages will see an edit icon edit icon in the upper right corner of the sidebar on wiki pages. They can edit the sidebar by clicking or tapping that icon.

Deleting a sidebar

To delete a sidebar, click or tap the edit icon edit icon in the sidebar’s upper right corner. On the Edit page, scroll to the bottom and click or tap the Delete Page button (in a desktop browser, the button is at the far right).