It is a good idea to have at least one additional owner for your group as backup in case you become unavailable or incapacitated. You also might want to have additional moderators, depending on your group’s size and activity level, to help you manage the group. Moderators can have different sets of permissions, so you can assign specific permissions to different people if you want them to handle only certain moderation activities.
! Important: Moderators cannot change anyone’s role to owner, and they cannot delete groups. If you are the sole owner of your group and something happens to you, the group might have difficulty continuing without you and have to be abandoned or completely reestablished under a new owner. Therefore, if you want to ensure that the group will continue, you should designate a trusted backup owner or co-owner.
Before someone can be a moderator or additional owner, they must be a member of the group. After your group has some members, you can pick those you trust to have owner or moderator roles. For instructions on changing a group member’s role to owner or moderator, see Making a member an owner or moderator.
Now go to Step 12: Manage the group.