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© 2025

Restriction: This feature is available only in Premium groups, Enterprise groups, and legacy Free groups.

About email integrations

Email integrations allow you to create email addresses that you can use outside of to send messages to your group.

Use case example: Suppose a web service has a function to email notifications about a subject that would be of interest to your group, and you would like those notifications to be posted to the group. Instead of providing the group email address to that service, which would require you to allow nonmembers to post to your group, you can add an email integration that creates a unique email address to be used by that particular service and then provide that email address to the service.

Adding an email integration

  1. Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s website, select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations.
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations on the More menu.
  2. On the Integrations page, in the Email Integration panel, click or tap the Email Integrations button. The Add Email Integration page appears.
  3. Complete the Add Email Integration page:
    • Name: Enter a name that identifies the email address.
    • Hashtags: Enter any hashtags that you want to apply to the subject lines of email messages that are sent to this address (those messages will be posted to the group). An #email hashtag is provided by default. You can enter up to four additional hashtags.
    • Moderate: Select this checkbox if you want to moderate email messages that are sent to this address (those messages will be posted to the group).
  4. Click or tap the Add button at the bottom of the page. generates a unique email address with the name you specified at the beginning of it and adds that email address to the Your Email Addresses list on the Integrations page.

  1. Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s website, select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations.
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations on the More menu.
  2. On the Integrations page, in the Email Integration Active panel, click or tap the Edit Email Integrations button. The Integrations page refreshes and lists the existing integrations under Your Email Addresses.
  3. Click or tap the Add an Email Address button to display the Add Email Integration page.
  4. Complete the Add Email Integration page:
    • Name: Enter a name that identifies the email address.
    • Hashtags: Enter any hashtags that you want to apply to the subject lines of email messages that are sent to this address (those messages will be posted to the group). An #email hashtag is provided by default. You can enter up to four additional hashtags.
    • Moderate: Select this checkbox if you want to moderate email messages that are sent to this address (those messages will be posted to the group).
  5. Click or tap the Add button at the bottom of the page. generates a unique email address with the name you specified at the beginning of it and adds that email address to the Your Email Addresses list on the Integrations page.

You can provide the generated email address to the outside service. Email messages that are sent to that address will be posted to the group.

Caution: Anyone who has the generated email address will be able to post messages to the group using that address.

Modifying an email integration

  1. Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s website, select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations.
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations on the More menu.
  2. On the Integrations page, in the Email Integration Active panel, click or tap the Edit Email Integrations button. The Integrations page refreshes and lists the existing integrations under Your Email Addresses.
  3. Click or tap the link in the Name column for the email integration you want to modify. The Update Email Integration page appears.
  4. As desired, modify the elements of the email integration.
  5. Click or tap the Update button at the bottom of the page. updates the email integration and returns to the Integrations page.

Deleting an email integration

  1. Desktop browser: In the left menu on the group’s website, select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations.
    Mobile device: At the bottom of a group page, tap the More icon, then select Admin > PreferencesIntegrations on the More menu.
  2. On the Integrations page, in the Email Integration Active panel, click or tap the Edit Email Integrations button. The Integrations page refreshes and lists the existing integrations under Your Email Addresses.
  3. Select the checkbox for the email integration you want to delete. You can select more than one if you want to delete multiple email integrations.
  4. Click or tap the Delete Email Addresses button at the bottom of the page.
  5. When the Verify Delete confirmation popup appears, click or tap Yes. The email integration is removed from the Integrations page.