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The Monthly Reminder notice can be sent to the group automatically every month. The notice is also saved in the group’s message archive. You could use this notice to remind members how to post messages to the group, how to change their subscription preferences, how to change their email address, and so on.

To be sent automatically, the notice must be set to Active Message. You can create multiple Monthly Reminder notices and set each one to Active Message so they are all sent automatically. If no Monthly Reminder notice is set to Active Message, none will be sent automatically.


  • The system sends the message with the #monthly-notice hashtag. If that hashtag does not already exist, it is created with a topic duration of one month, causing the archived message to be automatically deleted after one month (when it is superseded by the next monthly message). The #monthly-notice hashtag is set to "Use by Mods Only" and "Replies by Mods Only" to prevent nonmoderators from using it.
  • When you select the Send monthly as special checkbox, the Monthly Reminder message to the group is sent as a special notice, so that members whose email delivery option is Special Notice Only will receive it (in addition to members who receive individual messages, digests, or summaries). In this case, the #monthly-notice hashtag is also set to “Special.” Be aware that the checkbox in the notice overrides the #monthly-notice hashtag setting. For example, if you edit the #monthly-notice hashtag during the month and remove the “Special” setting from it but you do not clear this checkbox on the notice’s page, the “Special” setting will be reinstated in the hashtag the next time the notice is sent.
  • If you have multiple Monthly Reminder notices set to Active Message, the system sends them all at the same time (within the same second or two). Due to the vagaries of email delivery, there is no way to guarantee the order in which multiple notices are delivered.